About Us
Based on the Oscar-winning animation film, Shrek The Musical is the Tony Award-winning adventure-filled musical brought to you by the highly acclaimed, Swish of the Curtain.
An unlikely hero, the big, green and ugly Ogre finds himself on a life-changing journey alongside the wisecracking Donkey and a feisty princess who resists her dramatic rescue. Featuring memorable songs, a side splitting script and slick choreography, the beloved characters from the original film are brought to life in this fabulously fresh storybook journey. Shrek The Musical is irreverent fun for the whole family and proves that beauty is truly in the eye of the Ogre. Throw in a vertically challenged bad guy, a cookie with attitude, a dozen other fairy tale misfits and you've got the kind of mess that calls for a real hero. Luckily, there's one on hand...and his name is Shrek!