About Us
Join us for celebrations as we enter the Year of the Pig, with entertainment for all ages. With our current displays focusing on all things Chinese, it's the perfect time to pop in for crafts, tours. dancing and trails.
Saturday 2 February
10am – 3pm Drop in crafts, £3 per person.
12pm Exhibition Tour China: Through the Lens of John Thomson*
1pm – 2pm Bournemouth Art & Culture Dance Troupe will be performing traditional Chinese folk dancing in our Art Galleries*. Consisting of 18 trained dancers, the troupe has performed at many festivals in the UK including Britain's Chinese New Year Gala in London.
Tuesday 5 February
10am – 1pm Drop in crafts*
1.30pm Exhibition Tour China: Through the Lens of John Thomson*
* No need to book but standard admission charges apply for the historic house.
Guide Prices
No need to book for crafts and dancing but standard admission charges apply for the historic house.